Abhinav Diddee


ECE @ Northeastern

A catalogue of some of my projects

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Projects I’ve Built!



We built a backpack for dogs to map out search and rescue environments, and put a lidar/camera/other sensors on it. Aka we strapped a lidar to a cute dog!
Created an end-to-end system to detect babies/pets left in vehicles, and send text alerts to owners if vehicle conditions exceed safe thresholds of CO2 or temperature. Used a Jetson Nano, webcam, and NDIR CO2/Temperature sensor. Won 3rd place out of 200 projects at HackMIT 2022

I built a system to track people in 3d space and adjust lighting in a room to save energy. We ended up winning 3rd place at HackHarvard 2021

UV Disinfection Robot
I designed and wrote visualization code for a robot concept to disinfect indoor spaces during the initial wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Watney Mark 3 // Northeastern Mars Rover Team
I helped build electrical systems for a rover competing in the University Rover Challenge to complete manipulation tasks and detect life on mars!

6Kin – Inverse Kinematics for a 6-DOF Arm
I built an analytical inverse kinematics solver for a 6-DOF robotic arm!

Other Projects!

PARIS – Northeastern University’s Submission for the DOE E-Robot Challenge
I’m part of a team to build a robot to seal insulation in old buildings and prevent heat leakage. I worked on miscellaneous tasks (mostly software and electrical oriented)

FIRST Robotics

I founded and led a team in high school for 3 years to design, build, program and iterate 150lb robots to complete a series of challenges in 6 weeks at the beginning of each year. These challenges ranged from placing circular disks precisely on walls to launching balls into a goal 8ft high from 20 feet away. I led the team to the world championships our rookie year, winning over 6 awards throughout my time as Captain. I also worked on a few miscellaneous CAD projects for various challenges. Here are some of the robots I designed & built!

Unagi // FRC 2020-21 (Launching dodgeballs) Isopod // FRC 2020-21 Doggo // FRC 2019 (Placing disks on walls and placing kickballs in slots) Antares // FRC 2019 Stogie // CAD Challenge: Picking up cigarettes from streets Quake // CAD Challenge: Launching footballs and lifting weights Differential Elevator // CAD Challenge: Knocking Yoga Balls off of Trusses Uses two motors and cable rigging to power both linear motion and end effector rotation with both motors

Organizations I’m a part of

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